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The Spin

Up your workout game with Greenport’s Jeff Nockelin: The Spin

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Jeff Nockelin and Sheri Winter Clarry at School of Hard Nocks in Greenport. (Credit: Vera Chinese)

Jeff Nockelin and Sheri Winter Clarry at School of Hard Nocks in Greenport. (Credit: Vera Chinese)

Up your workout game with Greenport’s Jeff Nockelin: The Spin

So, I do like to be fit. Do I put as much effort into it as I should? Some weeks, no. But some weeks most definitely yes!

Being fit is a state of mind, in my humble opinion. If you feel good, everything in life seems, well, just better.

That’s why I like to get my boxing on with Jeff Nockelin at School of Hard Nocks in Greenport.

Jeff will kick you’re a$$. You will be lying on the floor, praying for forgiveness. That forgiveness comes, only if you stay the course. But don’t think it comes from Jeff, because it surely does not! It will come from your body, thanking you for building your stamina. You are welcome!

Side note: After my first session with Jeff last March, I literally shook for two hours after. I don’t even know, how I drove home. True story.

According to Jeff, I can now walk into Gleason’s Gym, the world famous boxing gym in Brooklyn, do my thing and apparently be proud. Thank you!

See some video of me kicking butt below. Stay tuned for the next edition of The Spin.
