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Realtors never forget the first sale they ever made

In 1962, if the real estate agency Lewis and Nickles in Southold had been selling a home for more than $20,000, John Nickles couldn’t have touched it. Mr. Nickles was 23 and inexperienced, his boss was his mother, and that was the rule he had to work under.

A lot more than inflation has happened since some local realtors first started selling on the North Fork. Five who still work here today told The Suffolk Times about the first time they ever sealed the deal. Here are their stories.

Sheri Winter Clarry


When Sheri Winter Clarry first joined The Corcoran Group in Southold in the fall of 2004, she was working on three sales simultaneously. She closed on her first sale on her birthday — May 20, 2005.

But she wouldn’t exactly call the sale a birthday present — the transaction was “all-consuming” and “an all-day affair,” she said, adding that she didn’t get home until 7:30 p.m. that night.

“There were negotiations up until the day before closing,” she said. “I learned a lot and it was great that I had a business background because I got to stay on top of all the details, which is super-important in negotiation.”

And she said the man who bought the house — a traditional, beachfront home on Camp Mineloa Road in Mattituck — still lives there.

He was “an amazing person, and we’ve remained friends since,” she said. “This was a memorable one.”

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SAMANTHA BRIX PHOTO | This traditional bayfront home in Mattituck was the first house sold by The Corcoran Group's senior vice president and associate broker Sheri Winter Clarry.

SAMANTHA BRIX PHOTO | This traditional bayfront home in Mattituck was the first house sold by The Corcoran Group’s senior vice president and associate broker Sheri Winter Clarry.
