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Hamptons Magazine Real Estate Round Table

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Editor-in-Chief Michael Braverman and publisher Debra Halpert of Hampton’s Magazine

Real estate industry pros, home design experts and I gathered around Michael Braverman’s Real Estate Round Table discussion for Hampton’s Magazine to talk of relative trends on topics ranging from renovations to second home purchases. We managed to get a lot accomplished, and had a little fun in the meantime.

Hanging with David Finkel of Ferguson at the Round Table. I just couldn’t resist a photobomb of Editor-in-Chief Michael Braverman and publisher Debra Halpert of Hampton’s Magazine.

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Sheri Winter Clarry and David Finkel of FERGUSON

It was a great day!  Publication date to be determined! We’ll keep you in the know.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]