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10 Ways to Create a Peaceful Bedroom

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Below are some tips and tricks for making your sleeping space as soothing and comfortable as possible. From sweet scents to cool colors, there are so many simple and easy things you can do to ensure you’re getting the good night’s sleep you deserve.


1. Incorporate Candles

Candles have the ability to make any room more cozy, candles are your best friend when it comes to a peaceful night’s sleep. And with so many shapes, sizes, scents, and styles, they also double as great decor for every aesthetic. Put ‘em on your bedside table, your windowsills, or let them cleverly congregate.


2. Add Cool Colors

The last thing your brain wants to see when it’s trying to wind down for the day are bright, aggressive colors. Save those for the rest of your home and keep your bedroom calm by integrating a cool color palette. Blues, purples, and greens with grey undertones look incredibly chic all the while signaling your brain that this is a safe, inviting space to relax in.

 3. Remove Electronics

Each and every day we’re bombarded by beeps, notifications, and other forms of constant stimulation thanks to our abundance of electronic devices. The fewer distractions and interruptions we have, the more readily our minds and bodies can let go and relax. To optimize your peace of mind for deep sleep, keep electronics out of the bedroom.

 4. Cozy Up the Bed

It seems obvious that, if you’re trying to get a good night’s sleep, you ought to make your bed as comfortable as possible. Your bed should be treated like your sanctuary. Make it as comfortable as you possibly can by treating it to luxurious bedding, fluffy pillows, and super soft sheets.

 5. Embrace Minimalism

A minimalist design removes visual clutter at the same time it removes the clutter from your mind, helping you rest more easily. Scan your room for items that aren’t absolutely necessary and see if you can find another place in your home for them. The fewer things you have surrounding you as you drift off, the easier it is to fall asleep.

 6. Let in Natural Light

A sun-soaked room has a special way of easing even the highest stress levels. Letting in natural light will condition you to associate the positivity sunlight brings with your room. Keep your curtains open during the day, open your windows, and raise the shades. Let the sun wash over all of the areas wherein you’re looking for peace and tranquility.

 7. Bring Life with Plants

Just as the sun has a unique way of uplifting the spirit, so do plants. Incorporating elements from nature will evoke feelings of being safe and grounded. Air plants and succulents require little to no effort or plant knowledge on your part, and they are great plants to add to your room.

 8. Play with Lighting

You know that feeling you get when you walk into a room that exudes a warm, inviting ambiance? It feels protective, comfortable and safe, and it’s almost always due to thoughtful lighting. Get rid of harsh overhead lighting and pick up a few lamps instead. You might be surprised by the difference this small change can make.

9. Add Soothing Scents

One of the most effective ways to signal to the body that it’s time to rest, is to appeal to all of its senses. A soft bed is great for touch, ambient lighting is wonderful for sight, and soothing scents are, of course, lovely for our smelling sense. Incense and essential oils are a great way to tell your body it’s time to get wind down.

 10. Create Symmetry

Symmetry is great for rest in much the same way minimalism is. This is the one room in your house where you really want to eliminate excessive stimulation and distraction, and symmetrical designs can play a large part in that. If one side of your room mirrors the other, your brain will have less to cling to and think about than it would in a more chaotic space.

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